Easy Anti-Candida Diet to Reduce Yeast Infections

When you are making changes to your diet, remember that habits can take months to form, so proceed steadily but slowly to implement this easy anti-candida diet and prevent any more yeast infections from cropping up in your own life.

  • Candida feeds on sugar to grow and thrive, so your first step should be to starve the yeast of their food. Eliminate sugary drinks, candies, and sweet pastries from your diet and you should notice a difference in your yeast infection within a week.
  • If your yeast infection is still persisting a few weeks after these changes, start removing simple carbohydrates from your food intake, too. Simple carbs break down easily into sugar in your digestive system, further fueling the candida to growth. These include most fruits, jams, and biscuits.

Throughout your anti-candida diet changes, you should be eating plain, unsweetened yogurt several times a day, or taking probiotic pills if your digestive system has recently been wiped out by taking antibiotics. Both methods replace good bacteria in your body that naturally control candida.

I Cured My Yeast Infection with Natural Home Remedies

Home remedies for a yeast infection are safe, natural cures that will treat your yeast infection without pour unhealthy medications into your body. The severity of your symptoms should determine which home remedies you use: you may only need cranberry juice and yogurt for a mild infection, but garlic cloves and bathing with apple cider vinegar to cure the worst yeast infections.

Before you start treating yourself with home remedies, you should make sure what you have is actually a yeast infection. Bacterial vaginosis especially can exhibit most of the same symptoms as a yeast infection, as well as a few other sexually transmitted infections. If you are unsure, you should make an appointment with a physician to undergo an analysis that can detect elevated levels of Candida, or yeast, in your body.

Once you have established that you definitely have a yeast infection, the next step is to figure out why. Are you pregnant? Is your immune system weakened due to a chronic disease, such as AIDS? Have you been swimming or exercising excessively? If you have been bathing, swimming, or doing vigorous exercises, your problem could be that you are leaving wet or sweaty garments on for too long, giving Candida a warm and damp place to grow unhindered. On the other hand, if you are pregnant, chronically ill, or simply just prone to getting yeast infections, you will need to take a bit more drastic measures to cure your yeast infection.

It is vitally important that women who are pregnant use home remedies to cure their yeast infection, because any medication can have dangerous consequences for their unborn child. People who are HIV positive or who have fragile health should also be careful about using anything other than safe, holistic home remedies, because typical over-the-counter medications can overkill, and eradicate healthy organisms living in your body as well as the excess yeast. It is much better, and safer, to stick with natural cures for yeast infections.

One of my favorite home remedies for yeast infections is apple cider vinegar. Drop a couple tablespoons in your bathwater up to twice a day, and take a normal bath, being sure to let the water flow over your genital region. The vinegar safely and effectively eliminates the yeast, and will begin to work quickly.

Another natural cure is to eat as many cranberries as you can stand every day until your yeast infection is gone, or drink cranberry juice that is as concentrated as you can stand it. These berries increase the acidity of your urine, killing Candida organisms when you urinate. This is a weaker home remedy however, and will only be effective at the beginning of your yeast infection or if you only have a weak infection.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephanie_Rose

Apple Cider Vinegar to Cure Yeast Infections

Apple cider vinegar is an effective yeast infection cure that can be used orally or topically. Applied directly to the affected area, it will begin killing the excess yeast organisms immediately, but it will probably cause a strong, uncomfortable burning sensation as it does so.

Generally, the preferred way to use apple cider vinegar to cure yeast infections naturally is by introducing a diluted solution to your genitals, whether by adding a tablespoon to filtered water and then washing with it, or by adding a few cups to your bath water and taking a long, hot bath.

Some people also swear that swallowing a few tablespoons daily until will cure your yeast infection very quickly. The most important factor in the success of your apple cider vinegar treatment is to get vinegar that is as natural and un-processed as possible for best results. And be careful not to use any other kind of vinegar besides apple cider, because the other types can actually feed the yeast and make your yeast infection worst.

Home Remedies for Yeast Infections

Yeast infections are persistent, bothersome inflammations that can affect both men and women of all ages. Drugstore prescriptions or over-the-counter medications can be effective, but usually only for as long as you are using the drug, and they provide no prevention from further yeast infections in your future.

Home remedies for yeast infections are much safer for your body (as long as you do your research and use a qualified yeast infection plan) because the steps you take to rid your body of the yeast infection are holistic and all-natural. They are also cheaper in the long run, when you consider that a 3-day box of Monistat or a similar drug can cost almost $20! Remember- prevention is the key when it comes to yeast infections, and home remedies will save you tons of money in the long-run.

To help prevent more yeast infections in the future, put on dry underwear after swimming or working out. Candida, the bacteria that causes yeast infections, thrives in dark, damp environments. Yeast infections can also be triggered by excessive use of antibiotics. Only take what your doctor prescribes you, how he prescribes it to you. Overuse of antibiotics causes medicine-resistant bacteria mutations as well as constant yeast infections.

How To Reduce Your Risk of Yeast Infections

As previously mentioned, many personal and genetic attributes affect your likelihood of suffering from recurring yeast infections. Some of these factors are within your control, and some are not. Today, let's focus on some major things you can do to reduce your risk of realizing you have yet another yeast infection.
  1. Antibiotics. A major factor in contributing to yeast infections, partly because antibiotics are so over-prescribed today, and partly just because antibiotics wipe out the good bacteria present in your body, too. Candida is able to grow unchecked, and soon you have another yeast infection.
  2. Spermicide. Many women have reported increased yeast infections when using condoms with spermicide on them. While birth control is always laudable, consider alternate pregnancy prevention techniques.
  3. Wet and/or warm undergarments. Warm, moist areas are the ideal breeding ground for a yeast infection. To combat candida, change your underwear at least once a day. Take off your bathing suit bottoms immediately after you are finished swimming, and don't put on damp underwear or pants.
  4. Stress. As with many physical ailments, part of the cause of yeast infections is due to stress. Remember to relax, and that the best, most effective long-term cures for yeast infections tend to be holistic cures, and not just applying anti-fungal medication after the symptoms start.
No matter how many yeast infections you have had in the past, it is never too late to try a new approach. Obviously, anti-fungal medications do nothing to prevent future yeast infections, or why would you be on this website?

It's time to look beyond yeast infection as a cause, but instead as a symptom that something in your body is not right. Hopefully, with a little attention to safe, natural cures, you will be able to say goodbye to yeast infections forever!