Apple Cider Vinegar to Cure Yeast Infections

Apple cider vinegar is an effective yeast infection cure that can be used orally or topically. Applied directly to the affected area, it will begin killing the excess yeast organisms immediately, but it will probably cause a strong, uncomfortable burning sensation as it does so.

Generally, the preferred way to use apple cider vinegar to cure yeast infections naturally is by introducing a diluted solution to your genitals, whether by adding a tablespoon to filtered water and then washing with it, or by adding a few cups to your bath water and taking a long, hot bath.

Some people also swear that swallowing a few tablespoons daily until will cure your yeast infection very quickly. The most important factor in the success of your apple cider vinegar treatment is to get vinegar that is as natural and un-processed as possible for best results. And be careful not to use any other kind of vinegar besides apple cider, because the other types can actually feed the yeast and make your yeast infection worst.

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