Easy Anti-Candida Diet to Reduce Yeast Infections

When you are making changes to your diet, remember that habits can take months to form, so proceed steadily but slowly to implement this easy anti-candida diet and prevent any more yeast infections from cropping up in your own life.

  • Candida feeds on sugar to grow and thrive, so your first step should be to starve the yeast of their food. Eliminate sugary drinks, candies, and sweet pastries from your diet and you should notice a difference in your yeast infection within a week.
  • If your yeast infection is still persisting a few weeks after these changes, start removing simple carbohydrates from your food intake, too. Simple carbs break down easily into sugar in your digestive system, further fueling the candida to growth. These include most fruits, jams, and biscuits.

Throughout your anti-candida diet changes, you should be eating plain, unsweetened yogurt several times a day, or taking probiotic pills if your digestive system has recently been wiped out by taking antibiotics. Both methods replace good bacteria in your body that naturally control candida.